Bacopa Monnieri

36,99 69,99 

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Bacopa Monnieri, cognition, IQ performance and memory. intelligence

Exceptional benefits

Bacopa Monnieri is better known in France as Hysope d’eau. This plant is used in Indian Ayurvedic medicine.

It is a plant of great interest for its ability to improve memory, cognition and intellectual performance. It also improves sensory precision, whether for sight, hearing or smell.

Quality powder

Our powder is highly concentrated in Bacopa Monnieri’s active ingredients, notably bacosides, the plant’s main active substance.

Our Bacopa Monnieri is grown directly in its native India.

akarkara roots / African pyrethrum
Natural nootropics effects where to buy without prescription in France. Concentration, cognition, intelligence, creativity and mental performance

Extreme concentration

Bacopa Monnieri has been proven time and again to be one of the best ways to improve concentration and mental capacity.

Studies show improved memory, reduced stress, enhanced cognitive abilities and higher intelligence in users of Water Hyssop.

If you need to be more productive, more creative, or simply make better progress in your work, Bacopa will be your ally.

In powder or capsule form

Our Bacopa Monnieri is available in powder and capsules to suit your personal preferences. Compared with many other plants, it has a rather pleasant taste.

However, capsules are available for those who don’t like the taste or need to carry water hyssop with them.

Bacopa monnieri powder, capsules or capsules cheap and inexpensive

Additional information

Composition (capsule)

500mg Bacopa Monnieri, gelatin


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