

  • Extraction in Tibet
  • Reduces muscle fatigue
  • Improves memory
(0 customer reviews)
what is shilajit, powder or capsules

What is it?

Shilajit is a thick resin or oil that can be white or very dark brown. It is found only in the Himalayan mountains.

This long-mysterious substance contains over 85 minerals and molecules such as fulvic acid.

It is traditionally used to reduce fatigue, ageing and libido problems, and to increase physical and mental stamina.

Strengthen your health naturally

Shilajit has numerous health benefits, and is a powerful antioxidant that will improve your general well-being.

Consuming it will help you get sick less often, and improve the functioning of your brain, digestive system and whole body.

It’s one of the Shaolin monks’ best-kept secrets for improving physical performance.

photo of a shaolin monk consuming shilajit and enjoying its many muscle-building and health benefits. He puts himself in danger.
happy hedgehog hydne, mood and hormones

Shilajit : Tenfold energy

Consumption of this resin improves energy levels, leaving you feeling fitter and more dynamic throughout the day.

It’s a major asset in today’s increasingly tired world.

Benefits for men

In men, Shilajit increases natural testosterone production. This will have the effect of improving bodybuilding performance, libido and self-confidence.

It’s a very interesting resin for staying drier while gaining muscle.

photo of a man who became muscular thanks to shilajit. He's healthier
photo of a man and a woman working out and taking shilajit to get leaner and improve their health

Better bodybuilding performance

It is also a substance capable of improving muscle-building performance.

In fact, it has a dual capacity to help you lose fat and gain muscle, thanks to the modulation of testosterone and estrogen. This makes it an excellent ally for both muscle gain and lean bodybuilding.

Maximum effectiveness in powder and capsule form

Our Shilajit resin is available in dehydrated powder or capsule form, according to your personal preferences. We also offer pure, liquid Shilajit resin (out of stock).

Each capsule contains 500mg of dehydrated Shilajit, a more than optimal dose for a 70kg person.

Shilajit powder, capsules or softgels


Que signifie Shilajit en Français ?

In French, Shilajit means “conqueror of mountains and destroyer of weakness”. This is a Sanskrit word. The name comes from its historical use in the mountains of Tibet, where this resin was used to strengthen the body and better withstand altitude.

C’est quoi le Shilajit ?

It’s a thick resin or oil found only in the Himalayan mountains on certain rocks. It has numerous health benefits.

Qu’est ce que cela contient exactement ?

Shilajit contains over 85 minerals as well as unique active substances and molecules that give it its powerful health benefits. Fulvic acid is the molecule at the heart of research, as it seems to be responsible for many of the resin’s benefits.

Le Shilajit a t’il des bienfaits différents pour les hommes et les femmes ?

In men, it increases testosterone production, while in women, it increases both testosterone and estrogen production.

Generally speaking, its consumption has numerous health benefits. Studies have shown a reduction in the risk of cancer, an increase in cognitive and physical performance, a more effective immune system and many other benefits.

If you’d like to find out more, we have an article on the benefits of Shilajit.

Shilajit is not a medicine, and although scientific studies show it to be effective against cancer, it is by no means a means of preventing or curing cancer.

D’ou provient votre Shilajit ?

Our Shilajit resin comes directly from the Himalayan mountains, where it is extracted using a process that preserves all its nutritional qualities.

Il y a t’il des dangers a consommer du Shilajit ?

It’s a substance that’s not harmful to your health – on the contrary, it’ll help you avoid health problems.

Votre produit est il disponible en pharmacie en France ?

Unfortunately, we don’t yet sell our products in pharmacies.

In France, it’s very difficult to find Shilajit supplements in pharmacies, and you’ll pay 2 to 3 times more for them as pharmacies add a substantial margin to the price of food supplements. Buying on the Internet is much simpler.

Always check the source before buying food supplements. Good supplements should be made from Shilajit resin only, and ideally come from Tibet or at least the Himalayan mountains. What’s more, the products must be additive-free.

Le Shilajit peut t’il être bio ?

Since it’s a natural resin that’s difficult to cultivate and requires no pesticides whatsoever, Shilajit must be organic. However, the Organic Agriculture label is not really applicable to this product.

Votre Shilajit est il de la résine pure ?

Our Shilajit supplements are made entirely of pure resin from the Himalayan mountains. If you choose to buy capsules, these will be made of gelatin.

Que disent les avis sur le Shilajit ?

You can find Nutriforce consumer reviews of Shilajit by clicking on the review button below the product photos. You can also find many other reviews on the Internet on the Reddit forum, for example.

Generally speaking, all opinions are very positive, noting a marked improvement in energy, productivity and physical performance on a daily basis.

In terms of scientific opinion, this article analyses the studies on Shilajit in depth to help you make up your own mind.

Quels sont les autres noms de cette résine ?

This resin is also called moumiyo, mumio, mumie, mummiya in Sanskrit because of its sticky, resinous texture.

Additional information


50g, 100g, 60 capsules, 120 capsules

Fulvic acid



The optimal daily dose is 500 mg (1 capsule) The maximum recommended dose is 5000 mg (10 capsules) The minimum dose to see effects is 200 mg The higher the dose, the greater the effects, but take care not to exceed the maximum dose.

Average product life

A 100g sachet will last an average of 1 year A 50g sachet will last an average of 5 to 6 months As for the capsules, the dose contained is 500 mg, one capsule a day is the optimum dose, with two capsules providing more benefits.


Take one to two capsules a day, preferably in the morning.

Conservation :

Keep out of the reach of children and store in a cool, dry place away from light and excessive heat. Close bag or tin tightly after use.


Spécifications et analyse


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